AT for kids
“It bears the same relation to education that education bears to all other human activities”
When we learn something new, we lay down habits that will last us a lifetime.
By learning to be aware of the body in activity children can maintain their natural upright posture, their grace and energy. The body is part of EVERYTHING that we do - from reading and writing to sitting or running. Putting the AT into practice in the classroom means children are more coordinated and confident.
AT and education go hand in hand.
As kids grow older they are subject to increasing pressures - from their peers, schoolwork and exams, adolescence, social media. ‘Text neck’ is all too common in young people.
AT lessons can help teenagers deal with the demands put on them without losing their cool. AT is a great aid to mental health and helps kids integrate what they do physically and mentally. With a little patience and motivation they can lose their slouch/slumped study posture/scoliosis. Alexander Technique is not a therapy, it’s a co-operative process of learning to look after yourself.